
Tout est question de sémiose, petit Arlequin.

Mercredi 15 février 2012 à 2:26


En terre en glaise. Is it over? I don't want to anymore. 


Lundi 13 février 2012 à 0:19


Huff huff, kuff kuff. Kut with a cnife. Poor life of wife. Out comes the wolf.  Wolfes. A lonely wolwes has been in the present tomorow. Or maybe yesterday it/she/he will. Kill the kuff, huff. Tooooooo much. tou meutch. The question. Is she? Mark of strangulations on her neck. Second time. Not a lovely game. Her face behing the smiling mask. So shy, so reseresereser ved. Erased.  TELL ME THE TRUTH! Slowly, analyzing all the clues, the fragments of memory. Remind. Who can she talk to? "You've got a boyfriend?" Brother? THIS guy, the nice C.? "It depends" "I prefer girls, there are nicer" Hum. hum huf huf. Kuff kuff, kut. It questions my brain. 

Escape. No no, say so, say o sau no. Drug, acta. Durg grid drug. Fingers as butterfingers. It's hard hurd hurt hard drug gum grumf. I can see your futur in your past. HAHA. Ca faisait longtemps ages ago. Amonthwithoutany sMasheD thoughs in the smoke. Smog, smug smurf muf muf huff huff. 

Putain, ça me prend la tête. Ca ne sonne plus, pas d'enchainement. The fastfood de l'enfer, se cramer la cervelle, controler l'exces et sous-rire, sourire. Hypocrisie. Quit this application. Un souriceau. DO YOU UNDERSTAND. DO YOU DO YOU. Frantic piffles, wiffle. Flouncing, these dismal knots. Whinge with bleating squeals. Spearing a fosting lapping from the larkiness. Smallow, desperatification. Anticlimax and antiparoxysm. Shaft? Well. Do not cross the line. GAP. Stop thinking. Rope.  


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