
Tout est question de sémiose, petit Arlequin.

Jeudi 29 mars 2012 à 21:21


It's just a monumental conspiracy. Easier way, touching with fingers, feeling the support and the power of powder. Colorful. Soft Pastels, paper, cup. 
Weird day, I was so close to you but nearly. Finally back to the beginning. Around Stokes Croft. Get "lost"  in purpose in Ashley Down, and a so random meeting! After 11 months of silence! Surrealistic and impredictable. A very strange time lag, suddenly and instantly, something woke up inside. Kind of. Fucking weird, unbelievable. 

Mercredi 28 mars 2012 à 10:57


Combats verbaux vains, destructeurs et inutiles. L'alcool les rend de plus en plus violents. Dans une demesure improbable du genre: "I drink because of you". Cette merde en fait dire de plus belles. Il est temps de calmer le jeu, d'eteindre le feu ardent de cette putain de decadence. Hier encore, comme d'habitude, le silence etait ma reponse. Il debitait tout d'une traite, decousu. Puis, ma resistance a disparu, repondre avec la meme rage, plus sarcastique et ironique parce que le brouhaha des lamentations m'empechait de dormir et que ma patience s'amenuisait. Le sommeil est si salvateur, si doux, une fuite de la realite. Apres 5 minutes d'explications, j'ai capitule sur les landes des harangues blessantes, j'ai laisse le silence reprendre sa place. Ce n'est definitivement pas ma tasse de the de hausser le ton pour si peu d'enjeux. Il a fini par l'avouer lui-meme au milieu de la nuit et fondre en larmes et en excuses. Encore. Je ne sais pas combien de temps ce cirque va restait en place.

Alors que maintenant je me noie dans ce nouveau projet. Je vais voir en grand, me lancer, ne plus hesiter et commencer avant meme l'emmenagement, car c'est actuellement mon seul exutoire, ma seule issue de secours dans cette impasse dangeureuse.

Elle a dit 45kg, 1m545, suite de l'episode demain.
J'ai cauchemarde pendant deux heures apres la dispute. Elle mourrait sous mes yeux, et j'etais impuissante. Le second reve, le meme, m'a permis de la sauver, mes parents se marriaient et j'avais un chalet a la montagne. Je ne l'analyserai pas.


Mardi 27 mars 2012 à 23:01


Je suis putain d'associal. C'est le début de la fin. Zola a raison, et en plus il ignorait l'histoire de toutes ces chicks. Qu'ils aillent tous crever en enfer. Il va falloir suivre et se contenir. Il va falloir tenir et se retenir. Et surtout, il va falloir être fort en résistance. Il me faut des grandes toiles, et des putains à dessiner, des filles avec des guitares, des rangeos et des ceintures cloutées. Je retombe dans le féminisme de merde, le riot grrl à la con. J'ai 16 ans, encore. 


Lundi 26 mars 2012 à 3:25

Une bombe dans l'estomac, le papier qui se dissout, et la vie reprend. Tout est fluide, les corps sont légers, les esprits s'enveniment de créativité tordue et se passionnent pour le néant, problèmes qui n'en sont pas, les noeuds d'esprit, jouer sur les mots. Sur tes maux. Ce n'est pas une question de mâchoire tremblante, c'est juste se sentir léger, vivant, sensible et fort. Ailleurs et ici même, oublier, paupières cousues et pupilles dilatées. Alors kiffer le son des basses, celui du silence abasourdissant aussi.
Dans un sens, on en avait peut-être tous besoin. 

Mercredi 21 mars 2012 à 11:29


Laments and jeremiads. I hate him and his inanities. He asks too much, exercices of translation. I don't really care your cocktails and can't see the ins and outs. Be precise, let me know or leave me alone. I wanted to give him the gate. Need my mum, not this kind of dummy father you try to be. Care about your own kids, we'll see what we can deal together afterward. I'm hard, I know. We are talking the same language, aren't we? To unit all the family to look like these beautiful models presented in the stupid series you watch on friday nights. He already pissed me off, and not exactly actually, because of the funny way I took it. Nice intentions, you wanna look like a savior, defending the weak and the oppressed. "the widow and the orphin" We are not. I don't want to spend loads of time I haven't just for your tomfooleries. Praise yourself to the skies if you want, I've fun behind my screen. And I can already ear her saying we smoke too much and we should eat more. Just shup up. Both.

But ok, I accept to come back for his birthday, which should be near my quarter. And I'll see my sister. Party time, to get smashed. Again. Haha. 5 years left. It makes me happy, I should enjoy more because life is short. HAHAhahaha. My unlimited insanity is incredible, I like it.

No logic. Macabre crazyness. Jump jumpjumpjumpjump. Everything was as a single word. Runrunrunrunrunrun. You are dreary and bleak you said? I am playing, falling. Uneven, unable to enjoy something. Saved by a fucking silly job. Why are you talking about it? WHY WHY WHY? I enjoyed the morbid numbers, and I still do. Seclusion. I can see them even without. Manipulation, i don't give a shit. If you know too much, you'll be killed with a plastic spoon. I give me a month. Fast. And you'll say what you want, you can. Nothing, you understand? Nothing. A dangerous method as well, without Freud and his bullshits, the Coué's one. Fucking more efficient than all moanings and lachrymal threnodies. Selfmanipulation, self conviction, self persuasion. Self belief. Selfishness, that's the way. We are alone. We are fine.

The P's tattoo is fine now. I should have use these needles before. Re-order news supplies. To finish today. Find what to do and pick. Had a chat with Ju., LD and T. and feel the wind of friendship. Funny scatophony with LD. The artist at the Cube. Tonight or never. Should call T. he wanted to see it. Lots of blah blah. Buy some credit at the ATM. Distant World Final Fantazy OST interpreted by The Royal PhilHarmonic Concert Orchestra in London in november and UK Subs at the Fleece in may. Promises.


Lundi 19 mars 2012 à 13:24


" Elle, ne se questionnait même plus sur ce qu'il pouvait savoir de la vie et de la femme, dans ses ignorances de damoiseau honnête; et c'était lui qui la sentait timide, qui la regardait fixement parfois, avec le vacillement des yeux, le trouble étonné de la passion qui s'ignore. Mais rien encore de brûlant ni d'agité ne gâtait le plaisir qu'ils éprouvaient à être ensemble. Seulement, cette amitié devenait si vive, qu'ils ne pouvaient plus vivre l'un sans l'autre." 
E. Zola, L'Oeuvre

I'm unable to live ____. Find the rest of the phrase. Finish the sentence by yourself, I don't give a shit about ununderstandings and everything else. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. It bothers me. I don't know again. You have the answer, hidden under three meters of black peppered snow. Blur, empty, heavy. Comme un pavé lancé dans la flotte. I would like to have seen you alone, face to face, yes. And spending en evening chilling out together, drinking a fucking tea and HC and I don't know, watching Wall-E and talking. But a laught. It was a gluttonous or greedy laught, rought and ready, coarse and crass, and silly. Nothing to add, Frustrating and frustrated.
I think too much about too much, and I should draw instead. I can't wait to go in our new house. Seriously, a change. A involvement in something. Screen printing, stencils, phtography, canvas. It's time to move my ass. I've called all the agencies, no available houses. We're gonna start to see smaller. Go on. To think about a pattern to let everywhere in Bristol. A kind of I WAS HERE BUT WHO IS/AM I. Anyway, I'm thinking about it now. Not that dark, silly teenager. 


Lundi 12 mars 2012 à 14:42

The visual dictionary. Here, this little spread is a whitewater. Lots of rocks, rafting with rowing oars. Have you got enought fun? Sounded like if everyone had to have a decisive conversation with me. My hand is a shitty concept. I closed my eyes, opened a book, breathe beathe breathe. Go away. Leave me alone. Seriously killing me. Then I'm playing, flying, anywhere else, nowhere. Full of fire. Hot, uncontrolable. Void. Screaming inside, losing the voice. Deliring, shaking. I bought a paquet of cigarets. 


Samedi 10 mars 2012 à 22:15

-900: 7                     900-1000:6      
1000-1100:5          1100-1200:4      
1200-1300:3          1300-1400:2      
1400-1600:1          1500-1800:0      
1800-2000s:-2      2000-2200:-4      
60ma:1                   30mu:1      
20ca:1                     no:0
500+/1x:1 if1500+     

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